
March 2025 CE Course

The 1st District of the Alabama Dental Association will host a 6 hour C.E. Course on Friday, March 14, 2025 .

National Maritime Museum
155 Water Street
Mobile, AL 36602
Time: 8:30 am-11:30 am, 12:00 pm-3:00 pm
Registration includes lunch

Cost: ALDA Members $350.00 Members Staff: $150.00
Non-ALDA Members: $450.00 Non ALDA -Members Staff: $175.00

Speaker: Dr. Molly Rosebush - Associate Professor, LSU and Maxillofacial Pathology.

Molly S. Rosebush, DDS, MS is an Associate Professor of oral and maxillofacial pathology in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Dentistry in New Orleans, LA.

Dr. Rosebush is responsible for educating students in all levels of training in both clinical and didactic settings. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, serves as the director of the LSU Oral Pathology Biopsy Service and treats patients with oral pathology needs in the Faculty Dental Practice.

Dr. Rosebush will present a 3 credit course on Pathologic Potpourri. This course will cover a spectrum of the most common and significant lesions in oral pathology including red and white lesions, ulcerative conditions, infections, and radiographic pathology. Numerous clinical images will be provided to give the clinician a through review of the selected topics. The instructor will review appropriate management of these lesions.

Course Objectives:

  • Recognize clinical features of a spectrum of oral and maxillofacial pathologic lesions including entities from the following categories: red and white lesions, ulcerative conditions, infections and radiographic pathology.
  • Diagnose & be familiar with how to treat a variety of lesions from topics listed above.
  • Recognize indications for referral.

Dr. John Syrbu - Associate Professor, Iowa College of Dentistry

John Syrbu, DDS, is a general dentist and Associate Professor at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. After completing a GPR at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System and practicing in Minnesota for several years, he returned to his alma mater to practice and teach in Iowa City, IA. In addition to being a group leader and clinical instructor, he coordinates the practice management curriculum for the D4 students and teaches digital photography to students, residents, and practicing dentists.

Dr. Syrbu will present a 3 hour course on Photography in Dentistry. This course will be a combination of didactic material and demonstrations of clinical applications. An overview of modern photography systems in dentistry will be provided followed by these subsections each of which will beaccompanied by a demonstration: DSLR mirrorless photography, intraoral photography, shade photography, portrait photography, clinical applications and smile design.

Register online by submitting the form below and/or mail to:

PO BOX 82017
Mobile, AL 36689

We hope we can count on your support by attending our local meetings and C.E. Courses.

September 2025 Business Meeting and CE Course

More information TBA

EMPLOYMENT- if you know of anyone wanting to be added to our list please call Ashley Braden 251-604-0383

Registration for C.E. Courses

March 14, 2025

Registration cost: 
ALDA Members $350.00
Members Staff: $150.00
Non-ALDA Members: $450.00
Non ALDA-Members Staff: $175.00

Please mail registration fees to MADS P.O. BOX 82019 Mobile, AL 36689 or call Ashley Braden 251-604-0383

Continuing Education Registration Form

Other doctors wanting to attend.

Staff wanting to attend.